Saturday, April 4, 2009

my poem will be...

Lack of Gravity
by Bob Childs

Sometimes this world can
Whirl and wheel so fucking fast
I don't know how anything is
Able to stay on the ground
Any day I expect to see busses and buildings
Launch from the earth and spin off into space
Boulders tumble skyward and
Trees uproot flying out of sight
Everything from elephants to salamanders
Scramble for something to hold onto

That's how it felt back then
And there I was with that stupid look on my face
Running in circles
Without a rope
Without a clue
Looking for someone to call out to
Expecting at any second to be
Pitched off into the sun
Just one quick spit into the fire

But just then
A hand grabbed hold and pulled me down
It was you who laid me out and made me warm
You held me close and sang to me
You brushed my forehead with the
Palm of your hand
Without the fear of spinning free
Unaffected by the lack of gravity
As if you were somehow part of this planet
A piece of this puzzle
One cell in a larger organism

Now the world still reels
But I am rooted
The room still spins
But I am seated
And though the wind blows leaves all about me
I am no longer in fear of
Shooting up into the darkness
Again I feel the weight of my form
Planted on the earth
I can see both my feet
Placed beneath me on the ground
I can lay my head back and
Rest upon the soil

So I give you my endless thanks
And my undying love
For all of this
And more.

it just really speaks to me because the author has bipolar disorder and so do i and i know what its like to feel out of control and have someone bring me back down and make everything okay.
for my book i want it to be really small, like pocket sized so as to carry it around in case i feel a crazy mood coming on. i want to fill it with pictures of me and people in my life that helped me through the hard times of my illness. thats all i have for ideas right now.